Local. Since 1982.


It's the most wonderful time of the year - license renewal season!

At the beginning of November, towns and cities across the Commonwealth mail out a flurry of renewal applications to all good license holders, whether liquor, common victualer, frozen goods, or any other locally mandated licenses. Select boards or license commissions make a list and check it twice (against other departments), and decide who is naughty or nice (current with their taxes). It is, of course, crucial to get the renewal licenses in on time, or issues will arise before the second verse of Auld Lang Syne is over (the one with all the Scottish phrases).

License renewal season is also a time to gather with those you hold dear (managers of record and shareholders) and determine if any changes occurred in the past year that are not reflected on your license. If so, your wish list should include a visit to Levine Law to discuss the license amendment application process and how to prevent state or local licensing authorities from putting coal in your stocking this year.

Josh Levine